What Is Lactoferrin And How Does Supplementing With It Benefit Me?
Lactoferrin is a multifunctional glycoprotein that is major component of the human immune system. It is found in very certain foods but the highest food source is from colostrum. In our bodies, lactoferrin is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Lactoferrin supplements extracted from cows has shown powerful anti-carcinogenic (cancer fighting) effects in studies.(Superti 2020) Further this compound has been shown in studies (Giansanti et al. 2016) to increase bone density, benefiting those with osteoporosis. What you may be particularly interested in, though, is the fat burning potential of lactoferrin. It has also been studied to inhibit adipogenesis (building of new fat cells in the body), as well as stimulating the utilization (burning) of previously stored fat cells. (Moreno-Navarrete et al. 2009)

Though it is created and used extensively in humans, our bodies also will readily utilize lactoferrin in our diet and consuming it provides us with great benefits. Lactoferrin is found in milk, but by far the highest concentrations are found in colostrum, which seems similar to milk, but is actually completely different. More on that later.
Lactoferrin For Weight Loss
Lactoferrin, in studies, demonstrates clear fat burning potential both in humans and in mice. One human study in which the subjects maintained all of their diet and lifestyle habits supplemented with 300 mg of lactoferrin for 8 weeks showed a significant 12.3% reduction in visceral (abdominal) fat. (Ono et al. 2010) The placebo group, meanwhile, gained an average of 2.2 pounds.
Another study showed a correlative relationship between lactoferrin and lower body fat. In this study, higher blood levels of lactoferrin were associated with a lower body mass index (one measurement of obesity), a better waste-to-hip ratio measurement, as well as lower levels of fasting triglyceride and blood glucose. (Moreno-Navarrete et al. 2008) This is an indication that diabetics will also benefit with cleaner blood sugar readings.
The last weight loss study I will mention (though there are more), is one where two groups of mice were studied. One group was fed unlimited calories, like mouse royalty. The other group was calorie restricted, like mice peasants. Both had lactoferrin supplemented into their feed. Overfed mice, like the ones in this study, typically become obese and develop fatty liver. The overfed mice in this study, however, did not become obese or develop fatty liver because the lactoferrin prevented the usual adipogenesis (building of new fat cells). Additionally the weight loss of the underfed mice was enhanced by the lactoferrin in their feed. (Jin Shi et al. 2011)
Lactoferrin Fends Off Pathogens And Heals The Gut
Lactoferrin fights off all of the most well known nasty bugs such as salmonella, E. coli, listeria, staphylococcus and clostridium. These bugs occur naturally in everyone’s guts, the key is to keep them suppressed and in check. Studies show that lactoferrin reduces measured levels in the intestines of toxins such as lipopolysaccharide that are produced by these nasty bugs. Lactoferrin furthermore reduces the production of cancer causing free nitrogen species. (Conesa et al. 2023)
If killing the villains wasn’t enough, lactoferrin also brings the superheroes around. In multiple studies, lactoferrin supplementation increases the growth of the most beneficial probiotic organisms lactobacillus acidophilus AND bifidobacteria. (Oda et al. 2013) These are the gut heroes that prevent food born toxins from entering your bloodstream through digestion, kill off pathogens, manufacture vitamins that you are deficient in, among many more vital roles.
Lactoferrin Prevents Osteoporosis
Lactoferrin has been shown in studies to stimulate the production of bone forming cells called osteoblasts while decreasing the production of osteoclasts, which breakdown bone tissue. (Cornish et al. 2004) Another study demonstrated that it takes only 6 months of lactoferrin consumption to reverse the negative turnover of bone tissue. (S Bharadwaj et al. 2009 ) At this point bone density will increase with momentum. This is profound for post-menopausal women who have to deal with osteoporosis.
Colostrum: The Best Source Of Lactoferrin
Why do I insist that you get your lactoferrin from colostrum? Because all of these lactoferrin benefits barely scratch the surface of the health benefits that pure bovine colostrum will bring. As a whole food colostrum is by far my number one health supplement. It has healed my gut (no more food allergies), built muscle while burning fat and improved my martial arts performance. I also rarely if ever get sick either when colostrum is in my diet. A PubMed study shows that bovine colostrum is 3 times more effective at preventing the flu virus than the flu vaccine itself! (Cesarone et al. 2007)

On top of being the best source of lactoferrin, high quality, pure bovine colostrum contains 97 different immune factors. These immune factors literally transfer the mother cows immune antibodies to be downloaded and used by your immune system. Colostrum contains antibodies for every pathogen ever encountered by the mother cow. The 97 immune transfer factors survive adult human digestion and transfer the cow’s immunity to you. It makes other “superfoods” seem plain, doesn’t it?
Colostrum also contains 87 different growth factors which also survive adult human digestion. Each one of these growth factors stimulates the regeneration of a different mammalian tissue. For example. colostrum contains growth factors that regenerate intestinal lining (it healed me of my food allergies because of this), muscle tissue, skin, nerves (brain) and vital organs among pretty much every other cell tissue in your body.
Whole raw colostrum is additionally the best food for up-regulating glutathione production in the body as it is a wealthy source of cysteine. If you didn’t know, glutathione is the most powerful endogenous antioxidant and detoxifier in the human body. Colostrum contains every essential amino acid, every essential fatty acid and every essential glyco-nutrient. It is not only the most complete food on the planet, it is the most regenerative healer and anti-aging substance for us mammals.
Thank you for reading! Here are some of my other articles on colostrum..
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