If you are not well studied on NGF I’ll provide a crash course, nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophic factor and neuropeptide that regulates the growth, maintenance, and survival of certain neurons. It’s also involved in the development and differentiation of neurons, and helps maintain the nervous system’s normal function. NGF can also speed up the nervous system’s repair after an injury. Here is Wikipedia’s article on NGF. NGF was only discovered in the 1950s and recently, NGF eye drops have been brought to surface, being used by one centenarian Rita Levi-Montalcini.
The more NGF present in your brain, the higher the rate of neurogenesis (nerve cell birth). In the fully developed adult brain, it’s been assumed that neurogenesis only occurs in certain areas of the brain. Recently though we are learning that to a more limited degree and under certain conditions, new neurons can be birthed in the other areas previously thought to be static after about 25 years of age. Aside from growth, NGF also enhances the communication and function of existing nerves.
When one is thinking of supplementing or medicating, the trick is, NGF would never work as a pill. First, your stomach would break it down. Second, even if you injected NGF, it would never make it across the blood-brain barrier. You need NGF inside your brain for the magic to happen.
This is where the NGF eye drops come in. The eye drops pass through the optic nerve, which travels back into the brain, surpassing the blood-brain barrier.
Most people at this point are now thinking, “Where do I get these eye drops?! Sign me up!”.
Not so fast. Buying pure human bioidentical NGF is WAY more expensive than buying diamonds, by weight.
Taking a tiny dosage of just 200 micrograms per day will cost you at least $310 per day.
Now you understand why you should not buy pure NGF, because you’d likely need to live on the streets unless you are rich!
This does not mean that you can’t benefit from NGF!
Nature Designed Foods That Increase NGF Production Inside The Brain And Body
From the time that you are born until the time that you are a fully grown adult, NGF is produced at much higher levels in your brain and peripheral nervous system. This is a large part of what is responsible for the internal environment that grows and develops your brain. This is the internal biological environment that allows children learn faster than adults.
Once you are a grown adult, NGF is reduced, which is part of the reason why we have a steady decline in living brain cells up until death.
Fortunately, there are several natural compounds that have been well studied to significantly increase the bodies own production of nerve growth factor. Studies show that these compounds increase NGF inside the brain, when supplemented orally in the diet.
These supplements are best consumed every day over the long term. The result will be a significant increase in your bodies production of NGF closer to youthful levels, an increase in neurogenesis (new nerve birth in the brain and body) and an increased survival of older original nerve cells and increased function of old and new nerve cells.
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