• Schisandra Berry Benefits: Anti-Aging, Performance And Beauty

    Schisandra Berry Benefits: Anti-Aging, Performance And Beauty

    Schisandra Berry: A Full Spectrum Anti-Aging Herb Schisandra berry, scientifically known as Schisandra chinensis, is celebrated as a full spectrum anti-aging herb due to its comprehensive health benefits. Known as “Wu Wei Zi” in Chinese, which translates to “five flavor berry,” schisandra is recognized for its unique ability to activate all five basic taste receptors:…

  • The Benefits Of Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder/Tea/Tincture

    The Benefits Of Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder/Tea/Tincture

    What is Reishi? By the 15th century in China, the Emperor and his immediate clan were the only ones in the country allowed to possess the rare Reishi mushroom, known to them as “the mushroom of spiritual potency” and now botanically known as Ganoderma Lucidum. This highly valued medicinal mushroom was known to lengthen life…

  • Herbs That Boost Energy, Stamina and Strength

    Herbs That Boost Energy, Stamina and Strength

    Initially I had compiled the information for this article just before my black belt test. I wanted every physical edge available to me to get me through the grueling test. Most people won’t have similar goals but still this article is every little bit as applicable to the average person simply looking for more physical and…

  • The Health Benefits Of Ashitaba

    The Health Benefits Of Ashitaba

    Ashitaba, botanically known as angelica keiskei, is a perennial plant under the genus angelica, native to a volcanic island off of Japan. The word ashitaba means “Tomorrow’s Leaf”. This name refers to its speed of regenerating after harvesting leaves. When a leaf is harvested at the break of day, the result is often a new…